SUN 12.05. 21:00
Bradley Cooper is the director, producer and male lead, and he certainly knows what he is doing. "This is a complex and sophisticated picture, the kind of grown-up love story we see all too rarely these days." Time Magazine
Engl. with Germ. subs
This is a biopic, drama and romance movie all in one with plenty of music throw into the mix. Carey Mulligan is absolutely outstanding as Bernstein's wife and great love. "Director and male lead Bradley Cooper portrays Leonard Bernstein as a loving, funny, passionate, profound and philosophical artist who exudes esprit and a love of humanity with abandon and values people as wellnigh unconditionally as he loves music." Bayrischer Rundfunk
2:09 h | FSK age rating 12 years
Münchner Hobräu
The Berliner
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