TUE 21.05. 21:15
One Life
Nicholas Winton (excellently portrayed with great restraint by Anthony Hopkins) is putting his affairs in order, when sudden interest in his life brings new turmoil into his calm existence. In the right place at the right time, he did the right thing.
One Life
Engl. with Germ. subs
Based on the book If It's Not Impossible…, One Life tells the story of Nicholas Winton who, in December 1938, travels to Prague and ends up running a refugee organization. In a race against time, he and his associates desperately seek to convince the British authorities and public to let hundreds of Jewish children enter before the Nazi occupiers close the borders... Now an old man, he is invited to attend a BBC show that will upend his life once more. "Held aloft by outstanding work from a tremendous cast, One Life pays heartwarming tribute to a remarkable humanitarian effort." Rotten Tomatoes
1:53 h | FSK age rating 12 years
Münchner Hobräu
The Berliner
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